Sunday, November 19, 2006

Welcome to my newest blog...and this one has a purpose

With Iran going nuclear soon, another global conflict is likely upon us.

Unfortunately, it will probably require more troops, more deaths, more unrest, more political wrangling by both Democrats and Republicans. We've already suffered through six years of Karl Rove's strategy of using the obscure "War on Terror" to scare American voters into voting for the Republicans. Now Democrat Charles Rangel is threatening to reinstate the draft to scare fellow congressmen into more diplomatic, rather than hawkish, policymaking.

The question is whether war's benefits outweight the disadvantages. Yes, this country gained its independence as a result of war, but is war really necessary. Is it true that we must wage war in order to acheive peace. Or does conflict just set the stage for more conflict down the road? I intend to do the research and find out. As it stands currently, I tend to put my faith in the latter.

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